Select the title to view a .pdf for all presentations below.
Taking a Museum from Local to National to International: The Experience for the National Museum of Women in the Arts – Led by Ilene S. Gutman, Deputy Director of the National Museum of Women in the Arts
Data Mining – Led by Suzanne Hilser-Wiles and Kat Banakis, of Grenzebach Glier & Associates and Jonathan Peterson, Director of Development at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Case Study: Opening the Whitney – Led by Alexandra Wheeler, Deputy Director for Advancement at the Whitney
Developing and Retaining Employees – Led by Carl Hamm, Deputy Director for Development & External Affairs at the Saint Louis Art Museum, and Colleen Kelly, Chief Development Officer at the McNay Art Museum
Philanthropy Update and Trends for 2016– Led by Lynne Heinrich of Marts & Lundy. This session will commence our conference with an overview of Giving Outlook and Giving USA